Tea lights are simple to make and affordable to purchase, making them ideal as handmade gifts. It’s a lot easier than you might think to make high-quality end lights. All that’s required is obtaining the necessary tea light candle supplies, melting, and putting the ingredients into the containers. That’s all you have to do.

And to be honest, the holidays are an excellent time and excuse to make them because most of the ingredients you’ll need are available in quantity. So we’ve offered an easy-to-follow organic homemade tealight candle DIY in our blog Scented Tea light Candles Scented Tea light Candles.
How To Make Tealight Candles – DIY
In just a few minutes, you’ll be able to produce soy tealights. Tealight candles are an excellent place to start if you’re new to candle-making. They’re simple to make, small in size, can be colored or scented for each season, and provide a charming, flickering mood to any room or special occasion. This recipe needed less work and candle making supplies, was simple to prepare, and was also less expensive.
Tealight Candle Making Supplies:
- Soy Candle Flakes – 450 grams
- Pre-tabbed Wicks – 32
- Tealight Cup – 32
- Candle Colors – 15 grams
- Vanilla Fragrance Oil – 30 ml
- Thermometer – 1
- Double Boiler – 1
- Wooden Spoon – 1
Know About Tealight Candle Making Supplies
Many of us believe that candles are mainly for aesthetic purposes. While this may be true for chemical-based candles, homemade candles offer a variety of advantages to their users, like being customizable, looking nice, smelling great, and so on. Let’s look at the advantages of using this candle recipe item.
- Soy Candle Flakes: Soy Candle Flakes is an organic and healthier alternative to paraffin candles because they do not emit toxic chemicals when burned. Aromatherapy uses scented soy candle wax because it can carry both strong and delicate aromas.
- Pre-waxed Candle Wicks: Pre-waxed candle wicks are made of 100% cotton wicks. These candles burn quietly and emit little smoke. Furthermore, since these wicks have a broad and consistent flame, they could be used in practically any type of candle.
- Candle Color Powder: Candle-making colors contains high-quality pastel coloring materials in brilliantly colored candle powder. It has a fantastic capacity to generate matte and dimension effects in a variety of candle varieties.
- Vanilla Fragrance Oil: Vanilla Fragrance Oil has a sweet, classic aroma that makes it ideal for candle-making. The mystic, sweet aroma uplifts and energizes the mood while soothing and comforting the environment.
Make Homemade DIY Tealight Candles: Step-By-Step
This DIY will result in the creation of 32 tealight candles. Depending on how many tealights you wish to manufacture, you can modify the number of materials. First, let’s get started with the recipe. The stages in this dish are basic and straightforward.
1. Weigh and Melt The Soy Wax

Tare the weight of the metal Pouring Pitcher on your scale. Take 450 grams of soy wax and weigh it. Heat the wax to 85°C in a double boiler or hot plate.
2. Center Wicks in Tealight Cups

Prepare your tea light glasses while the wax melts. Each of your 0.75 pre-tabbed wicks should have a wick sticker on the tab. Next, place a wick in each tealight cup, centered using the four plastic prongs on the bottom of the cup.
3. Add Candle Colors

When the wax reaches 85°C, add 1/2 tablespoon (15 g) Red Candle Color Powder and stir carefully for 2 minutes, or until the color is completely absorbed by the wax.
4. Add Fragrance Oil

Remove from the flame and add 30 ml Vanilla Fragrance Oil. Stirring constantly for 2 minutes gentle.
5. Pour The Wax into Tealight Cups

Pour the wax from the metal pitcher into the conical plastic pitcher once it has reached 55°C. This step is optional, but it makes pouring the small amounts of wax necessary to fulfill the tealight cups easier. Next, pour carefully and slowly from the funnel pitcher into the tealight glasses that have been prepared.
6. Re-center Wicks
For safe burning, make sure the wicks are precisely straight and centered in each cup. Then, while the wax is still liquid, make any necessary adjustments.
7. Let Tealight Candles Cool Overnight
Allow the tealights to sit for at least an hour or until they are completely cold and ready to use before lighting them.
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